Valentine’s Day + Birthday Card From Wendy

Printed here with Wendy’s permission…

My husband,

I’m proud of you being a good husband and I believe you will be a good father in the future. In the past, I was worried about whether you will love me less if we have a baby. Today, I want to tell you that during the whole process of pregnancy, you have given me 100% love and security. You’ve become more and more mature in taking good care of me and Chase. You’ve guided me to control my diet and to exercise and to gain knowledge about parenting and also in prayer. I’ve enjoyed so much that we can experience this pregnancy together; no matter the ups and downs we went through, I love walking with you on this path. You are a real man in the house now.  I wish you’re not only happy on your birthday, but also in the future as we bring up Chase together, we can continue to experience God by walking together in this exciting, joyful, and challenging journey, so that can love each other more and more each day.

From your wife,


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