To Change Is… (1): To Grow

Two Fridays ago during the small group discussion, Dickson asked each of us what we hope our life is like 12 years from now (i.e., year 2020). Almost everyone in the group seem to have a hard time thinking that far ahead, and a couple of us even said that they hope nothing changes — hoping everything stay pretty much the same as today 12 years from now.

I think the older we get, the harder it is for us to appreciate change. Younger people hope to start a family, gain possessions, attain achievements, etc. But for middle-aged guys, we already married and have kids, we already have houses and cars, and we already have established careers. We resist change because we want to hang on to those things.

But let’s face it: even if we don’t want to change, everyone and everything around us still change. Either we change proactively alongside, or we become outdated and obsolete.

Question: How do you envision yourself 12 years from now?

To Change Is… (1): To Grow
To Change Is… (2): To Love
To Change Is… (3): To Love God

2 thoughts on “To Change Is… (1): To Grow

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